Friday, July 20, 2007

Re-imagine tomorow's organizations

I decided a couple of years ago that organizations were... NOT WHAT THEY HAD BEEN. They were not "enterprises to do dull stuff as we'd always known." They were... AND I'M KEEN ON THIS... Itinerant Potential Machines. That is, enterprises that will... RE-FORM do...WHATEVER IS NECESSARY... WHENEVER.

Here's what I wrote :

TALENT POOL TO DIE FOR. Youthful! Insanely energetic! Value creativity! Risk taking is routine! Failing is normal if you're STRETCHING! Want to "make thei bones" in "THE REVOLUTION." WELL REWARDED! Don't plan to hang around for 10 years! (Let alone 20.)


Seek out and work with WORLD'S BEST/NO LESS as needed. (It's usually needed!) "We aim to change the world , and we need gifted colleagues - who well may not be/probably will not be on our payroll."

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