Friday, December 21, 2007


November 15th, 2007

"My memory flows like a movie - nonstop and uncontrollable!"

Known in medical literature only as AJ, she remembers everything about her life – even the mundane. There have been people with great memories in the past, but AJ is unique. Her extraordinary memory is not for facts or figures, but for her own life.
In fact, her inexhaustible memory for autobiographical details is so unprecedented and so poorly understood the scientists who have been studying her for the past seven years, had to coin a new medical term to describe her condition: hyperthymestic syndrome.
Wouldn't it be great if your customers and clients remembered you the same way – or would it?
There are two ways you become important enough to become a rock-solid memory:

1. Work long and hard to identify the right set of promises your "sweet spot customer" will call useful and unique. Then focus every ounce of your organization's energy on keeping those promises.


2. Make promises to the marketplace and fail to keep them.

Customers remember promises made and kept and promises made and broke. Both are important, but for very different reasons.

So, how do you want to be unforgettable?

Quoted from

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